Words of Children and Parents

Prophecy #60
Taken back by the words the children speak. Many teachers are taken back by the words the children speak. Foul demons spewing out from young people, yea disrespecting authority. ..foolish children. I say to you, pray for the youth of this nation. Many parents are taken back by the harsh rejection of children. Pray for parents to have wisdom. Pray for deliverance for the children. I tell you, there will be an uprising from the youth of this nation. Vile spirits taking hold of young people. Parents not training in the Word. I tell you violence as never before seen on the planet. Pray for the youth of this nation. I send you to the youth to teach them My way. Pray! Pray! Pray!
Prov. 19:26

Carry and Sing

Carry the banner through the fields. Carry the songs to the mountains. Carry the Word through the oceans. Yea, I say to you, far and wide, up and down, all around you will go. You will go and carry the banner. Carry the light. Yea, I say to you, I endue you with power from on high to carry the light. Darkness permeates the planet, yet there are light bearers. I will use My light bearers to carry the light. Sing as you go. Dance as you go. Yea, be prepared as you go. Worship! Worship! Worship! Yea, and know the light is in you. Know the light will bear light. As you bring light, you bear light. There are those in darkness seeking light that do not have the answers for life. Fear, fear will rest on the planet as never before. Fear, fear taking hold in the hearts of men, the minds of men, distorted and deluded. Yes, man crazed by self-indulgence. Man crazed by selfishness. Yea, yea, I say to you, you will carry the light. You will carry the light. Break down the forces of evil, yea, through intercession, but carry the light. Fear not the craze of man. Just be prepared to know your God is in control. Your God sees all. Carry the light!

Pull Me In

Prophecy #597
Reach out your arms and pull Me in, pull Me in to your embrace. I’m right here, though you can’t see My face. I’m right here, so pull Me in, pull Me in. Do you understand I walk where you walk? I listen to you talk, yea, I listen to every word. I know every thought. I know all you have ever heard. Yes, pull Me in, pull Me in tighter, tighter for I will to have you know My embrace. Don’t look away, look to My face. Keep your mind stayed ion Me and you’ll pull Me in, and you’ll see I’m really here, I’m really near. Yea, I am more than there ,I am here. Understand God is with you. Have I not said in My word I dwell in them? I will be with them, yea and I will be their God and they shall be My children. Yes, I have fulfilled My own word. Calvary’s tree was given to thee to see ..to see I am real and I am here. So pull Me in, pull Me in near, nearer, nearer. Oneness, oneness, think on this, oneness with God, not separated, not afar off. Pull Me in, I’m right here. See, I’ve spoken this to thee. See it is real. It is real for you to know Me intimately.

So Tired

Prophecy #2001
Fallen down, weakened, drained, and fatigued; so many of My people don’t know the needs of others because they are fallen down, drained, fatigued. Tired in the body from so much work; yes, so much work, for work that’s centered on self. I say, pray, pray for others. Yea, I say, pray for others. There are too many of My people that are drained and fatigued. Hardships, many, but I need My people to rise up out of their fatigue for the hardships of others, for those who are drained and fatigued. Yes, people that are malnutritioned, third world, need help, need the energy of others to assist them, to focus on goals. The poverty, the poverty, I see so much poverty. Where is the faith of My people to bring them the resources and to encourage faith? So many tired from overwork. Tired from needless work. I say, diligence in prayer is needed, and I will bring the resources and I will gift through you and I will encourage multitudes through you focusing on Me, focusing on truth, focusing on reality in the spirit world. Many will come to understand My provision through faith and receive , many because of the words that are given. When you rise up above your circumstances for the circumstances of others, you are blessed and well provided for.
Acts 7:34

Set Them Free!

Prophecy #1060
Fermented wines, whiskey, beer, alcohol, drunkenness, sexual immorality, promiscuity, thievery, sin, carnality, mankind running to and fro, to and fro. Where do they go? Dizzy man, busy man, thinking here, thinking there. Where will it all go? Where will it all go? Down below, down below. I call My people now to raise a standard and humbly bow. Come before Me now, seek My face, for it is time it is time to set the captives free from all, from all that they have done to hold them in bondage apart from Me. Yea, I say to thee, humbly bow, be cleansed now, and know I have work for you to do. Shed the light. Shed it far and wide. Now is the time, yea, now is the time. Acts 5:19-20

My Song

Prophecy #2000
The tambourines are hit and the sound vibrates. The cymbals clash, sounds vibrate. The drums play, the sounds vibrate. Yea, I say, I hear, I hear the instruments. I hear the melodies. I hear the glorious sounds in heaven. Yes, the greatest orchestra, and I am the leader of it all for I am the Song. I hear the melodies that come from the heart. I hear the words that come from the heart. I do not hear that which does not come from the heart. So many people come to the institution called ‘church’ buildings singing songs. Oh they may enjoy the melody. They may enjoy the romance of the words but they do not enjoy the romance of the Giver of the Word. So much religious vanity, traditions of men, not the music from the heart. I joy in you singing your songs from the heart. I will for you to pray for My people to rise up above religious traditions of men, melodies that fall sour to the floor. Words that have no meaning when they’re not sung from the heart. I will for you to pray for those that step into the institutional building called ‘church’ Sunday mornings without the heart for Me. Pray that they be delivered, that they be convicted and change. I rejoice that new worship will come forth.


Prophecy #535
The rooster crows in the early morning…arise, arise. And the owl hoots at night. I call you to arise in the early morn…listen to My voice…listen to My voice. When all is quiet in the early morn, as the sun starts to rise, so should you rise with Me. And I call you in the nighttime when the owl hoots, yea, listen…listen to the quiet and listen to My voice. Listen..listen..listen, for I have many things to share..listen. Go to My word and listen to the Spirit of the word, showing you the pathway of life, the changes that are needed, the direction to take. Give time..give time to the Master to lead. Focus..focus on the God within you. Focus on My Holy Spirit directing your path. Listen..listen in the quiet times. Listen and I will train you to listen in the noise, the clatter, the clanging of the busyness around you. Yea, as you learn to listen in the quiet time you will know to listen in the noisy times. You will learn to listen when speaking to man. You will learn to listen when directing the little ones. You will learn to listen as you do your household chores. You will learn to listen as you share the gospel and you will walk in My Spirit, the Spirit that dwells within you. The stars in the sky are pictures of My people who have learned to listen, and they have let the light that was shone within them burst through them. Many cannot hear My voice due to lack of faith, due to lack of time spent with Me in the quiet times. Hag. 1:14

Who Reigns?

Prophecy #983
Who reigns in your heart this day? I ask who reigns in your heart this day? Yea, I shall reign over this planet. I shall reign over heaven and earth. I shall reign for I am King eternal. I am a living God. Do you realize life or do you walk in death on planet Earth, a graveyard? I call you to life to bring forth life, not to wallow in self, not to wallow in indulgences. Yea, I say to you, I call you to life. I call you to life for I am a living God and I bring forth life. Look around you and you see life springing forth. Who brings it forth? Who designed it? Yea, I say to you, I am a living God that dwells within you. Do you know that? Reign with Me in the rain of My word. Rain to reign. I call you to reign.