Who Reigns?

Prophecy #983
Who reigns in your heart this day? I ask who reigns in your heart this day? Yea, I shall reign over this planet. I shall reign over heaven and earth. I shall reign for I am King eternal. I am a living God. Do you realize life or do you walk in death on planet Earth, a graveyard? I call you to life to bring forth life, not to wallow in self, not to wallow in indulgences. Yea, I say to you, I call you to life. I call you to life for I am a living God and I bring forth life. Look around you and you see life springing forth. Who brings it forth? Who designed it? Yea, I say to you, I am a living God that dwells within you. Do you know that? Reign with Me in the rain of My word. Rain to reign. I call you to reign.

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